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A member registered Sep 13, 2017

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Argentum Age community · Created a new topic A Review

So, after spending an hour in the game, here are my first impressions.

**The UI:** The UI could be better. it seems really empty a large amount of the time, especially the main menu. This could be fixed by something as simple as making things larger or adding more shortcuts to these screens. I like the aesthetic of the UI, it looks appealing and fits the setting of the game. 

**Currency:** I'm going to touch on this very briefly. I seem to have encountered a bug, it says I earn gold but the counter is only displays the number I should have gained, not the total. This is annoying, but as I haven't had a need to buy card packs yet, it hasn't affected me too much.

**The Card System:** Ah, the root of the game. The cards are done quite well. The descriptions of the cards are easy to understand and include everything you need to know. The art looks very nice. I have found that the cards seem to be quite balanced, and as long as you keep a level head and think everything through, every situation has a counter. Really, the only thing I think could be improved is the card packs. Make multiple card packs for slowly increasing amounts of gold. Make one give you mostly commons, one some commons and some rares, one some rares and some legendaries, and so on and so forth. Then organize your cards into these categories, like heroics in the legendary category or something. Make sure there is a small chance to get everything even in the common pack, but a rather low one. However, should you decide to implement this, PLEASE try to do it without in-app-purchases and make sure all of the packs cost gold, just an ever increasing amount. 

**Gameplay:** I briefly touched on this before, but I really like the gameplay. It's simple enough to pick up but you can tell that there's a whole layer to it that you haven't reached yet from your first real game. The game can get insanely complex, with every card you put down countering another and at the same time being countered. The game forces you to think. You have to learn the game, figure out how certain cards could work together, and build decks that make you think 20-30 steps ahead. I love the stimulation it provides. I also really like what you've done with the ability to counter an opponent's card with a spell as it's played, it adds a whole other layer of thinking. You constantly have to think okay, if they throw down this card, I need to have enough mana to use my spell.  Also, on the mana, great job. I play Stormbound on my phone (another turn based CCG strategy game), and I'm reminded a lot of that. The whole idea of your mana replenishing fully every turn and the total increasing is a really good idea that I don't think enough games explore the possibilities of. Great job.

**Overall:** I think Argentum is a great game. It definitely has potential. If you can manage to get it on Steam Greenlight, I would encourage you to. The game is well built and original. Though it is buggy, these bugs are issues that could be ironed out over time as the game grows. I rate this 8/10. Improve the UI and fix the bugs and this game will be one of my favourites.